Mandau : The Traditional Weapon of Dayaknese From Kalimantan

Dear the viewers,

        We know that Indonesia is an archipelago country. We have so many culture. of course we have various kind of traditional weapon. One of them is Mandau weapon from Kalimantan. from this text below,
I would like to tell you about the history and information about it ,to make us know that Indonesia has so many culture and art. to read my posting is very comfortable so please read and enjoy yourself.

History of Mandau

        Once upon a time, generally Dayak ethnic use their traditional weapon namely, Mandau. Mandau was the heritage from generation to generation that was used by them as a sacred object. beside it use to war, Mandau is usually used by Dayak ethnic to accompany them in their daily activities, such as slashing or cutting meat, plants, or other object that need to be cut.
Usually the layman will often confuse between Mandau and Ambang, Lay people or people who are not accustomed to seeing or even holding the Mandau will be difficult to differenciate between Mandau and Ambang because if we look in plain view, both of them almost look same. however, both are very different. But if we look in more detail, it will show a very significant difference, that is, on Mandau, there are carvings or inlaid gold, copper, or silver and the Mandau looks more powerful and flexible. Because Mandau is made of mountain stone containing iron and processed by a master, while the Ambang is only made from ordinary iron, such as iron from car bemper, chainsaw blades, discs vehicles or other iron rods.
        Mandau or Ambang Birang Bitang Pono Ajun Kajau should be stored and cared in a special place to honor. Because of the Dayak ethnic believe that Mandau has a spiritual power that will protect the owner from attacks or malicious intent of the person or his opponent.  And Mandau is also believed to be guarded by a woman, and if the owner is a dream to met with women who inhabit in Mandau, it means the owner will get a fortune. 
        Mandau, beside is made of mountains carved rocks , Pulang or upstream Mandau (a place for holding) is sculpted made using buffalo horn for the Pulang to be colored black. The process to make  pulang can be used kayamihing wood. At the end of Pulang were given or placed fur or human hair.  To be able to placard a Mandau with a Pulang can be use the sap of Sambun wood that has proved for the strong. After that, Mandau is tied again with jangang, but if jangang is hard to find out, we can use uei (rattan).

        Mantikei iron that used as the raw materials can be found in areas like, Kerang Gambir, Karo Jangkang river, Mantikei anak river, Katingan river , and Tumbang Atei village. it is incomplete if Mandau does not have Kumpang. Kumpang  is the glove for  Mandau, Kumpang is the place for Mandau to  be place usually it is made from  deer antlers. In Kumpang Mandau  is given the tempuser undang, that is a woven ties of uei (rattan). In the front of Kumpang is made a small gloves for langgei puai place. Langgei Puai is a type of small knife as a complement to Mandau. Langgei Puai is a type of small knife as a complement to saber. the Stem length of about 20 cm from the eye of langgei, the shape is smaller than the stem. the Function of langgei puai is to smooth or clean the objects like rattan. 

The Glove, or kumpang langgei always attached in kumpang Mandau. So that, it can be said that between Mandau and langgei puai is a unity that can not be separated.

Various Kind of Mandau :
 Dayak dance using Mandau pic:
 Monong dance
Iseng Mulang dance
 Excerpted from the book "Tatu Panatau Maneser Hiang"

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